Dinteranthus microspermus

Weight:- 800 g 800 g

Flowering Stone




South Africa


Dinteranthus microspermus is a small stemless, usually solitary or few branched succulent. It has only pairs of boat-shaped leaves up to 1 inch long and broad and grey-green in color. The epidermis of the leaves is velvety.The flowers are many-petaled, arranged solitary, yellow or whitish often tipped with reddish. The fruit is a capsule with 6 to 10 locules and broadly winged valves.


They grow in arid desert-like regions that get very little rainfall . They love sun so make sure they are in a south-facing window and when summer rolls around, let them get plenty of filtered light outdoors,plenty of ventilation and protect from rain.

Allow the soil to dry completely between watering. Hold back water during the hottest weeks of summer and also in the dead of winter. Since the split rock has such a long tap root,the pot should be at least 3.5-4 deep. Proper drainage is a must so make sure the pot has a hole in the bottom.

Mesembs require a loam-based compost with the addition of extra drainage material such as horticultural grit or perlite.

Landscape Use

Suitable for Container, Rock Garden & Xeriscaping