Ficus altissima ‘Yellow Gem’

Weight:- 2000 g

Rubber Tree 'Variegata'




India, Nepal, Myanmar


The Ficus altissima ‘Yellow Gem’ is a relatively new breed of the ficus family.

'Yellow Gem' is a beautifully bright variety with glossy oval leaves that are variegated with vivid green and vibrant yellow.. A spectacular indoor pot plant or outdoor canopy tree. Cutting the tops off will cause side branching which easily enables a staggered bushy look when grown as an indoor specimen.


Ficus plant needs a moderate amount of light but not in full sun with moderate watering. . For indoor plants, care should be taken not to over water, otherwise leaf drop and possibly root rot will occur. Allow the soil to dry between watering. Light levels, watering and humidity should be kept as constant as possible to avoid leaf drop.

Feed all Ficus houseplants when they are actively growing with a well balanced plant food diluted to 1/2 the recommended strength. Never feed a Ficus Tree in the winter.

Avoid placing a Ficus Tree near an air conditioner, heater, or any cold drafts from windows and doors

Landscape Uses

It is an excellent plant for garden rockery settings, desert type landscapes, patios and botanical gardens

This is a plant that removes toxins from the environment.