Hoya Bella

Weight:- 500 g

Hoya lanceolata






Hoya bella is a bushy perennial characterized by their cylindrical leaves that form on the stem from the base where they meet the main stem. The hoya bella usually has three leaves that come from one stem near its base with two smaller leaves higher up. The leaves are thin, green and oval-shaped with pointed tips that curl inward slightly & the plan can grow up to 8 feet tall.

Hoya bears clusters of sweetly scented white flowers with purple centres. The magnificent pendant star-shaped Hoya bella flowers appear in small flat clusters of up to 10 flowers each.


Easy to grow & don't require much attention. Hoya do best in filtered light or with lots of artificial light in indoors.

Hoya plants don't ask for much, beyond the well-draining soil and the warm humid conditions (similar to bromeliads and orchids)

They are epyphite, can be grown in orchid medium or light potting mix with lots of bark conditioner. Hoya like the security of a snug pot, and plants that are a bit root bound will flower more prolifically than those that are swimming around in a giant pot.

This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds .

Landscape Use

It makes a nice hanging basket, but also does really well as a mounted plant