Sansevieria "Hahnii"

Weight:- 500 g

Sansevieria trifasciata cv. hahnii

Sansevieria trifasciata hahnii Large beautiful "Bowl Hemp" European import with unusually wide leaves totally dark green and banded bright yellow. Handsome and very reliable houseplant of the first order. This is a stunning plant. Possibly not a trifasciata sport , but probably a hybrid. Newly introduced.Sansevieria trifasciata cv. Hahnii (a.k.a. Bird s Nest Sansevieria) is a lovely a miniature form of the common Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata) that is only about 15-20M cm tall. Its darker green leaves with clear horizontal bands is arranged in an attractive rosette. It is a stemless perennial succulent herb that grows rapidly outside, reproduces rapidly and spreads everywhere by way of its creeping rhizome forming dense stands. This species can bloom in summer with sweetly fragrant greenish white flowers but this cultivar rarely seems to do so.

Origin: South Africa

Family: Asparagaceae

Height: 15-20 cm tall

Light: Sansevieria thrives in just about any light. Bright light to full sun, will also tolerate low light. It an excellent choice for low light conditions

Water: Allow the top inch (2.5 cm) of soil to dry out between watering during the growing season. In winter, water just enough to prevent the soil from drying out. Over watering will cause root rot. Take care not to water the center of the rosette of leaves because they'll rot easily if kept wet.

Humidity: Mist the leaves several times a week with a spray bottle. Mist your plant more frequently in the summer growing season- the more water you can supply the blooms, the healthier it will be.

Temperature: Average room temperatures 60-75 �F/16-24 �C. It will tolerate fluctuating temperatures, but not extreme cold.

Soil: A loose, well-drained potting mix. It can easily grow in soilless medium also.

Fertilizer: Feed a mild cactus fertilizer during the growing season; do not fertilizer in the winter.

Eliminates: Sansevieria species are believed to act as good air purifiers by removing toxins (such as formaldehyde, xylene and toluene) from the air. The plant convert CO2 to oxygen at night also.
