Bonsai Boxwood

Weight:- 2400 g

Buxus sempervirens




South East Asia


Bood has more than 70 species and the common boxwood is the most popular. This is highly used as an ornamental plant and is grown and shaped into a variety of designs. The root system is shallow, and the bark is thin.


Age : 2.5 - 3 Years

Size (Approx) : L X W X H : 5" x 4" x 7"

Note : The plant might differ a little than the picture as each Bonsai is created differently.


Boxwoods regularly need thinning of the foliage mass to allow light into the inner branches to stop them becoming bare and to prompt backbudding. Regular pruning helps to increase ramification and reduce leafsize as well. However, it is also important to allow some free growth to ensure the overall vigour of the bonsai is maintained. Free, unrestricted extension of the first flush of growth can be allowed in Spring (around April/May depending on your climate) to strengthen the tree, followed by strict pinching and pruning for the rest of the year to refine the foliage.