Duvalia sulcata

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Weight:- 400 g

Duvalia Sulcata SSP Seminduda




Yemen & Saudi Arabia


Duvalia sulcata subs. seminuda is a mottled grey-green four-angled succulent with long soft teeth and ascending stems. It can form wide carpets which, at the right moment, can carry many flowers. The star-like flowers have shiny bright brownish-red corolla lobes tipped with either red or white hairs, but unlike the normal Duvalia sulcata the annulus is glabrous. Apart from the presence or absence of hairs on the annulus, the colour of Duvalia sulcata subs. seminuda is a deep purplish-red with, very occasionally, one or two hairs on the annulus and the lobes are usually thinner; conversely the standard Duvalia sulcata is always a flesh-pink with usually larger lobes with a dense crown of long, white hairs on the annulus. The scent of the flowers is foetid, but often almost not perceptible, if any. The flowers are usually 2.5 cm wide.


Duvalia are relatively easy to grow. They should be treated as an outdoor plant as they will easily rot indoors and cannot flower without exposure to outdoor temperature fluctuations. They should be grown under cover so that watering can be controlled. The plant require ample amount of sunlight to promote flowering and maintain a well-shaped plant. Very shady positions will produce very poor flowering. Duvalia plants can survive high temperature in summer months so most growth is in spring and autumn, with flowering in autumn when the weather starts to cool down. They all need good drainage.

Landscape Uses

Makes an attractive landscape plant and or container patio plant where some height is needed, being an attractive accent plant, Suited for window sill.