Jasminum Sambac 'Bela Mogra'

Weight:- 650 g

'Maid of Orleans'


Oleaceae (Jamine family)




The easiest variety to grow prefers full sun. Loves full drenching of water after the soil is little on the dry side. It requires frequent pruning to keep shape.


Arabian jasmine is native to India and the most popular of all the jasmines in the world. The sweetness of fragrance of this jasmine is unrivalled .This woody shrub features green oval shaped leaves. The most attractive aspect of this plant is its small, white, extremely fragrant single star-shaped flowers, which are borne in profusion. It flowers from the tips, every 30-40 days, depending on the temperature. The hotter the better. The flowers drop off within 24 hours and are replaced with more the next day. This ever blooming Jasmine has bushy growth and does particularly well on windowsills. It is well known in Asia for its use in teas and religious observances. Also known as the "Arabian Tea Jasmine," it is the National Flower of the Philippines, where it is known as Sampaguita.

Maid of Orleans have more vining habit than other Sambac varieties and foliage is the most beautiful and dark green.

Landscape Use

Specimen climber or Shrub. Also does well in containers