Temple Tree
Central America
Better known as Frangipani, it is a delightful small tree for a garden with a semi-tropical look, usually reaching a height of around 4m, though with great age they seem capable of growing to 8-10m.
The leaves of Plumeria rubra are 10-42 cm long and 4-14 cm wide with the widest point at the center or tip of the leaf blade. In this species the tip of the leaves narrow to a sharp point in contrast to leaves of the other common species, Plumeria obtusa, which has more rounded leaf tips.
Plumeria acutifolia is a popular, large, deciduous shrub or small tree with rounded canopy of leaves that are long, oval and pointed at the tip, with a veined appearance. The splendid five-petalled flowers are richly fragrant and white with a yellow flushed centre and a matte lustre to them.
Frangipani needs bright light to full sun for at least 5 hours of direct sun each day.
Keep soil evenly moist during summers. Water sparingly in winter, when plant is resting. Yellowing leaves are a sign of over watering.
Moderate humidity is good for the plant. Place the pot on a tray of wet pebbles to raise the humidity around the plant. Misting is also a good idea in summer. With plumeria care should be taken to mist the foliage, not the flowers.
Feed the plant with high-phosphorus fertilizer before summer begins to promote blooming.
Landscape Uses
Frangipani makes a beautiful potted house plant. They grow well in pots, flowering reliably every summer.
Approx 2' - 2.5 '