Temple Tree
Better known as Frangipani, it is a delightful small tree for a garden with a semi-tropical look, usually reaching a height of around 4m, though with great age they seem capable of growing to 8-10m.
The leaves of Plumeria rubra are 10-42 cm long and 4-14 cm wide with the widest point at the center or tip of the leaf blade. In this species the tip of the leaves narrow to a sharp point in contrast to leaves of the other common species, Plumeria obtusa, which has more rounded leaf tips.
Plumeria 'Splash Singapore' is a compact plant. It has large beautiful white Flower with splash of pink on leaf . Petals have rounded tips and are moderate overlapping. The texture is heavy. Fragrance is slight sweet peachy and the keeping quality is very good.
Frangipani needs bright light to full sun for at least 5 hours of direct sun each day.
Keep soil evenly moist during summers. Water sparingly in winter, when plant is resting. Yellowing leaves are a sign of over watering.
Moderate humidity is good for the plant. Place the pot on a tray of wet pebbles to raise the humidity around the plant. Misting is also a good idea in summer. With plumeria care should be taken to mist the foliage, not the flowers.
Feed the plant with high-phosphorus fertilizer before summer begins to promote blooming.
Landscape Uses
Plumeria rubra makes a beautiful potted house plant. They grow well in pots, flowering reliably every summer.
Approx 2' - 2.5 '