Pyrostegia Venusta-Flaming Trumpet

Weight:- 800 g

Golden Shower






Pyrostegia Venusta is also known as Flaming trumpet. It is a vigorous, fast-growing, evergreen woody vine that blooms in winter and spring with spectacular reddish-orange flowers. The compound leaves have two or three 2-3 in oval leaflets and are arranged in pairs opposite each other on the stem. Often, the center leaflet is modified into a coiled, three-parted tendril. Flame vine branches profusely and climbs by clinging with its tendrils. The tubular flowers are about 3 in long and borne in clusters of 15-20 at the tips of branches. The corolla has five lobes which are bent backwards, and the long orange stamens and style extend beyond the tube. The flower clusters may hang down under the weight of their own beauty.


Pyrostegia Venusta grows best in full sunlight. They will climb and cover a fence, trellis, walls and arches. Dry and thin shoots should be removed after flowering. These plants will not bloom well in warm and humid coastal areas. They require cool winters for best bloom. They can be grown as a pot plant as well.

Landscape Uses

It is suitable for the Gardening.